Melting Elixer Bottles ~ Australian Recycyled Porcelain, Glaze, Gold Lustre
Wishful Thinking elixer bottles used porcelain to highlight temporality and beauty in the linear progression of things changing. My intention – to pay homage to the power of tactility and texture, and complex matrixes found in nature. I developed a series made from degrading plaster forms found in the abandoned factory, of which the natural elements had shaped the once round bottle into a 3 sided, crumbling plaster block.
Photography by Jessica Thomas
The Gold Elixer Bottle ~ Jingdezhen Porcelain, Glaze, PVD Lustre
Just popped this special bottle from my #wishfulthinkingporcelain collection up on the online store. Physical vapor deposition, or PVD, is a process that I hadn't come accross before my residency. The technique involves “blasting” the gold onto the porcelain at a high temperature. During the process, the material moves from a condensed vapor phase to a thin solid film. This is the only bottle of its type!